Create a magic link
Generate a magic link
The publishable key of your application credentials. (more details)
The private secret of your application credentials. (more details)
Data to add to the user's profile
A string representing the duration for which a magic link is valid.
ID of a group to which the user will join upon completing sign-in. The group
must have an admission policy of 'open'
, shorten
The absolute URL or relative path to send your user after sign-in
Specify a user ID. If the user already exists, include their user ID. Otherwise,
use one of '__default__'
, '__uuid__'
, or '__objectid__'
. These special values
tell Rownd to generate an ID in the provided format, or use the application's
default user ID format.
The means by which this magic link will be verified by the user. When the magic link
is visited, the user's email or phone number will be marked as verified depending on
verification mode. In practice, you should set this value to 'phone'
if you are
sending this link to the user via SMS. Likewise, set to 'email'
if you are sending
the magic link to the user via email.
, phone