Create a group invite
Platform API for creating a group invite
The publishable key of your application credentials. (more details)
The private secret of your application credentials. (more details)
The roles into which a group member will be added upon invite acceptance (The first member invited to a group will always be created with the 'owner' role along with any additional roles specified)
The email of a Rownd user in the specified application. This property is mutually exclusive
with user_id
and email
The phone number of a Rownd user in the specified application. This property is mutually
exclusive with user_id
and email
The ID of a Rownd user in the specified application. This property is mutually exclusive with
and email
The relative or absolute path location to which a user will be directed after accepting the invite
The invitation link. Your user will use this link to accept the invite. For now, you will need to send this link to your users. In the future, Rownd will automatically send out invites via email or SMS for you