With Rownd groups, you can segment your application users into logical segments. Each segment contains group members which are tied back to application users via their user_id. With the group APIs, you can add a group member directly or by creating a group invite. Group invites result in a one-time-use link that you can send to a user that when visited adds them to the group with specific roles. Each group member is assigned to roles, which are an array of strings like "admin" or "editor". You can specify member roles via member creation or updates, or during an invite creation.

The groups APIs are split into two sets that differ slighly on imlementation: Platform and User-Facing


The platform APIs accept Rownd application credentials for authentication. They are intended for use by an application administrator. You should use these APIs on your backend server or equivalent to manage groups, members, and invites


The user-facing APIs accept an authenticated user’s Rownd access token (JWT) for authentication. This set of APIs is intended for use in frontend applications when you want to give your users the ability to manage their own groups, members, and invites.

User-Facing Distinctions

The user-facing APIs differ slightly in implementation. Here are the main differences:


Group members and invites can only be managed by group owners. A group owner is a group member that has the "owner" role.

Group Owners

The creator of a group is always given the "owner" role.

Getting Started

Here are a few key endpoints to help you get started integrating Groups into your app: