Migrating from Auth0 to Rownd is fast and easy. In most cases, you’ll probably be able to remove a lot of unnecessary code and configuration from your product in exchange for Rownd’s turnkey solution. Let’s get started!


In this guide, we’ll help you plan your migration from Auth0 to Rownd so that you can think through the process and avoid any pitfalls. We’ll also provide some code snippets to help you get started.

Here’s what you’ll work through as part of this migration:

  1. Creating a Rownd account and setting up your test and production apps.
  2. Updating your code to leverage Rownd instead of Auth0.
  3. Migrating your existing users to Rownd.
We’ve prepared a sample repository that demonstrates the migration process from a code perspective.

Set up Rownd

  1. Sign into the Rownd Platform. If this is your first visit, an account and app will be created for you automatically.
  2. Create a new Rownd app for your product. You'll probably want to create a separate app for your test and production environments.
  3. Enable the sign-in methods that you want to support. If you already have Google or Apple sign-in enabled, you can use the same credentials in Rownd.
  4. Customize the sign-in experience to match your brand with logos and colors.
  1. Create an Auth0 integration and attach it to your app. This will allow Rownd to migrate your existing users automatically.

Update back-end code

You’ll need to update your backend APIs to accept Rownd-signed JWTs instead of Auth0 JWTs. Use the Rownd SDK corresponding to the framework or language of your backend API server. Check out a full list of our backend SDKs.

Our SDKs provide functions to validate Rownd tokens, fetch user data, and in some cases middleware that you can plug directly into your request handlers to authenticate usurs automatically. Here’s an example of using the Node.js SDK’s Express middleware:

import { createInstance } from '@rownd/node';
const rownd = createInstance({
  app_key: 'YOUR_APP_KEY',
  app_secret: 'YOUR_APP_SECRET',
const { authenticate } = rownd.express;

app.get('/api/*', authenticate({ fetchUserInfo: true }));

app.get('/api/profile', (req, res) => {
        profile: req.user

Notice the use of the authenticate middleware function from rownd.express which validates a JWT in the Authorization header and fetches profile data from Rownd, making it available on the request object for other request handlers. You can also build a middlware yourself or use one-off instances of rownd.validateToken(token); and rownd.fetchUserInfo(token);.

Update front-end code

Next, you’ll need to replace Auth0 with Rownd in your frontend. The exact steps will vary depending on the frontend framework you’re using and the authentication features of Auth0 that you are utilizing. We’ll use React as an example to demonstrate the steps below.

  1. Install the @rownd/react dependency with your preferred package manager
  2. Add the RowndProvider context provider.

In your app’s entrypoint file, add the RowndProvider context provider. You should already have an Auth0Provider somewhere in your app, which can help you find where you need to add this.

To keep existing users signed in during the migration, leave the existing Auth0Provider in place for now. Find out more about keeping users signed in during the migration.

  1. Replace Auth0 hook with Rownd

Auth0 provides a React hook named useAuth0() that you’ll need to replace with Rownd. Rownd exposes similar properties and functions through the useRownd() hook. It should be pretty straightforward to swap out the Auth0 hook to use Rownd’s, and to adapt your code to use the Rownd properties.

Notable Differences

Enforcing authentication for protected components

If you have components protected with Auth0’s withAuthenticationRequired component, you’ll need to add the some equivalent Rownd code to enforce authentication. Use the useRownd() hook to enforce authentication upon rendering of certain components

Audiences and APIs

Rownd backend SDKs automatically validate the audience claim in Rownd-issued JWTs. Unlike Auth0, you do not need to explicitly set the audience and API configuration parameters in the SDK itself. You can remove any code present in your React app that configures or depends on audiences. If you want to set additional audience values, you can do so in the Rownd Platform under Application Settings.

OAuth redirects

The Rownd React SDK and Javascript snippet itself handle all redirects associated with authentication flows. If you have frontend code that handles callbacks or redirects from Auth0, you can safely remove these. They are no longer needed with Rownd.

Keep existing users signed-in

Migrating your authentication to Rownd will help convert more users as they move through your funnel; however, what about the users you already have? They’ll quickly become frustrated if they get signed out as a result of the migration.

To keep existing users signed in, you can pass their old Auth0 access token to Rownd for validation. Rownd will then issue a new token to the user so they’ll be able to continue using your product without interruption. Once the new token is issued, the auth0 token can be permanently discarded.

Here’s a full example using the Rownd React SDK. We’ll break down the details below:

  1. In your front-end code, at the top-level component, check if the user is already signed in to Rownd. If they are, you’re done!
  1. If they aren’t, check if they’re currently authenticated via Auth0. If they are, retrieve their ID token.
  1. Pass the token to Rownd for validation. If the token is valid, Rownd will issue a new token to the user.
  1. is_authenticated should now be true and the user can continue using your product normally.

Sync user profiles (optional)

Rownd supports multiple ways to sync your user data from Auth0. If you created and attached the Auth0 integration to your app, Rownd will begin migrating users “just in time,” meaning that as users sign in, their data will automatically be imported into Rownd (matched on email address, phone number, etc).

However, pre-loading user data into Rownd will speed up the initial authentication handshake. You can use the Auth0 connector’s “sync” option to do a bulk import of all users from your Auth0 app to Rownd. Any users that sign-in after the sync begins will be auto-migrated using the “just in time” method.

Test the migration

Once everything is set up, it's time to test various aspects of the migration. Here are some things to consider:

  1. Make sure new users can sign in successfully. If you use an email provider that supports sub-addressing, you can make up "new" users like juliet+test1@gmail.com and the messages will be delivered to juliet@gmail.com.

  2. Verify existing users can sign in successfully and that they receive the same user ID that they had prior to the migration.

  3. If you chose to keep existing users signed in, test the migration flow to ensure that you remain signed in throughout the process. This usually means loading or installing the previous version of your product, signing in with your old provider, then loading the Rownd-enabled version of the app.

Completing the migration

At this point, you should be ready to deploy your new Rownd-enabled product to production! If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch.