Table of Contents

  1. Set up using the platform

  2. Setup using the API

Using the Rownd Platform

You can set up an OIDC client directly through the Rownd platform:

1. Navigate to your application

2. Open the “App Keys” page on the left menu and click on the “OIDC Clients” tab

3. Click “Create New OIDC Client”

4. Set your OIDC client details


  • Name: A display name for your OIDC client (required)
  • Redirect URIs: Where users will be redirected after authentication (required). You can add more than one.
    • Example:
  • Allowed Scopes: The scopes that the OIDC client is allowed to request. You can add more than one.
    • Example: openid profile email ; note; you can add additional date fields to Rownd for more finite scopes.

Click “Next”

5. Retrieve client credentials and OpenID endpoints You can now retrieve your client credentials and use them to configure your OIDC client. You can also see the OIDC endpoints.

Make sure to save your client credentials (client_id and secret) after creation, as the secret cannot be retrieved later.

6. OIDC customizations

Click on “Customizations” to customize sign-in and consent modals with a call to action and logos that help your users stay in context.

Using the API

To create or update an OIDC client configuration via the API, you’ll need your Rownd application credentials.

Required headers

x-rownd-app-keyYour Rownd application key
x-rownd-app-secretYour Rownd application secret

API endpoints

  • Create: POST{app-id}/oidc-clients
  • Update: PUT{app-id}/oidc-clients/{client-id}

cURL Example

# Create new OIDC client
curl -X POST '{app-id}/oidc-clients' \
-H 'x-rownd-app-key: YOUR_APP_KEY' \
-H 'x-rownd-app-secret: YOUR_APP_SECRET' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
  "name": "Example OIDC Provider",
  "description": "Example OIDC Provider",
  "config": {
    "allowed_origins": [
    "redirect_uris": [
    "post_logout_uris": [
    "logo_uri": "",
    "logo_dark_mode_uri": ""

# Update existing OIDC client
curl -X PUT '{app-id}/oidc-clients/{client-id}' \
-H 'x-rownd-app-key: YOUR_APP_KEY' \
-H 'x-rownd-app-secret: YOUR_APP_SECRET' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
  "name": "Updated OIDC Provider",
  "description": "Updated OIDC Provider",
  "config": {
    "allowed_origins": [
    "redirect_uris": [
    "post_logout_uris": [
    "logo_uri": "",
    "logo_dark_mode_uri": ""

Replace YOUR_APP_KEY, YOUR_APP_SECRET, and {app-id} with your actual Rownd application credentials and ID. For the update request, also replace {client-id} with your OIDC client ID.


Refer to the Rownd OpenID Connect API documentation for detailed information on creating and managing OpenID clients.

To create a new OIDC client configuration, send a POST request to{app-id}/oidc-clients with the following body parameters:

Request Body Parameters

nameThe display name of your OIDC client
descriptionA brief description of your OIDC client
config.allowed_originsArray of allowed origins that can make requests to the OIDC server
config.redirect_urisArray of valid URIs where users will be redirected after authentication
config.post_logout_urisArray of valid URIs where users will be redirected after logging out
config.logo_uriURL to the logo image used in light mode
config.logo_dark_mode_uriURL to the logo image used in dark mode

Example Request

  "name": "Example OIDC Provider",
  "description": "Example OIDC Provider",
  "config": {
    "allowed_origins": [
    "redirect_uris": [
    "post_logout_uris": [
    "logo_uri": "",
    "logo_dark_mode_uri": ""

Response Format

Both POST and PUT requests will return a response with the following structure:

  "id": "oidc_client_ck9c1glf0100001l2f7z8z9z9",
  "app_id": "app_ckl8bcf1g000001l2f7z8z9z9",
  "name": "Example OIDC Provider",
  "description": "Example OIDC Provider",
  "config": {
    "allowed_origins": [
    "redirect_uris": [
    "post_logout_uris": [
    "logo_uri": "",
    "logo_dark_mode_uri": ""
  "created_at": "2024-12-05T23:34:05.709Z",
  "updated_at": "2024-12-05T23:34:05.709Z",
  "credentials": [
      "name": "Production API Key",
      "client_id": "string",
      "secret": "string",
      "expires": "2024-12-31T23:59:59Z",
      "application": "app_k3y1qwerty12345",
      "app_variant_id": "variant_fgy1qw367fty121lm",
      "oidc_client_configuration_id": "oidcc_k3y1qwerty12345",
      "created_at": "2024-12-05T23:34:05.709Z",
      "updated_at": "2024-12-05T23:34:05.709Z"

Response Fields

idUnique identifier for the OIDC client configuration
app_idThe Rownd application ID this configuration belongs to
nameDisplay name of the OIDC client
descriptionDescription of the OIDC client
configConfiguration object containing origins, URIs, and logos
created_atTimestamp of when the configuration was created
updated_atTimestamp of the last update
credentialsArray of credential objects containing authentication details

Credentials Object

nameName of the credential
client_idThe OIDC client ID to use for authentication
secretThe client secret to use for authentication
expiresExpiration date of the credentials
applicationAssociated Rownd application ID
app_variant_idVariant ID if applicable
oidc_client_configuration_idID of the OIDC client configuration
created_atTimestamp of when the credentials were created
updated_atTimestamp of the last credentials update

Store the client_id and secret securely as they will be needed for all subsequent OIDC operations.

OpenID Configuration Discovery

Rownd provides a standard OpenID Configuration discovery endpoint that returns a complete list of OIDC specifications and endpoints for your application.

Discovery Endpoint


Replace {app_id} with your Rownd application ID to get the complete OIDC configuration for your app. For example:

This endpoint returns a JSON document containing all supported OIDC features, endpoints, and capabilities of your Rownd OIDC server, following the OpenID Connect Discovery specification.

The discovery endpoint is publicly accessible and does not require authentication. It’s commonly used by OIDC clients to automatically configure themselves.

OpenID Endpoints

Rownd provides three main OIDC endpoints, all accessible at{app-id}/:

1. Authorization Endpoint (/auth)

  • Used to authenticate users and obtain authorization
  • Initiates the authentication flow
  • Returns an authorization code that can be exchanged for tokens
  • Supports standard OIDC parameters like scope, response_type, and redirect_uri

2. Token Endpoint (/token)

  • Exchanges authorization codes for access and ID tokens
  • Supports refresh token requests
  • Requires client authentication using client_id and client_secret
  • Returns JWT tokens containing user information and access rights

3. UserInfo Endpoint (/me)

  • Provides detailed information about the authenticated user
  • Requires a valid access token
  • Returns user profile data based on the granted scopes
  • Supports standard OIDC claims


After creating an OIDC client configuration, you’ll receive credentials in the response:

  • client_id: Your unique client identifier
  • client_secret: Your client secret for secure communication

Store your client_secret securely! It cannot be recovered if lost and would require generating new credentials.

Implementation Flow

  1. Configure your OpenID client using the configuration endpoint
  2. Store the returned client_id and client_secret securely
  3. Implement the authorization flow:
    • Direct users to the /auth endpoint for authentication
    • Handle the callback with the authorization code
    • Exchange the code for tokens at the /token endpoint
    • Fetch user information from the /me endpoint as needed

Example Implementation

// Example authorization request
const authUrl = `${appId}/auth?` + 
  `client_id=${clientId}&` +
  `redirect_uri=${encodeURIComponent(redirectUri)}&` +
  `response_type=code&` +
  `scope=openid profile email`;

// Redirect user to authUrl

// After receiving the authorization code in your callback:
async function exchangeCode(code) {
  const response = await fetch(`${appId}/token`, {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
    body: new URLSearchParams({
      grant_type: 'authorization_code',
      client_id: clientId,
      client_secret: clientSecret,
      redirect_uri: redirectUri,
  return await response.json();

Best Practices

  1. Always use HTTPS for redirect URIs
  2. Implement proper token storage and refresh mechanisms
  3. Validate all tokens on your backend
  4. Keep your client_secret secure and never expose it in client-side code
  5. Implement proper error handling for all OIDC endpoints

Need help? Contact our support team for assistance with your OIDC implementation.

Uploading OpenID Client Logos

You can upload custom logos for your OIDC client that will be displayed in light and dark modes. Logos can be uploaded using the following API endpoint.

Logo Upload Endpoint

PUT /application/{app-id}/oidc_clients/{client-id}/logo/{type}


appYour Rownd application ID
clientYour OIDC client ID
typeEither ‘light’ or ‘dark’ for the respective display modes

Required Headers

x-rownd-app-keyYour Rownd application key
x-rownd-app-secretYour Rownd application secret
x-rownd-filenameThe filename of your logo

Only PNG and SVG file formats are supported for logo uploads.

cURL Example

# Upload light mode logo
curl -X PUT '{app-id}/oidc_clients/{client-id}/logo/light' \
-H 'x-rownd-app-key: YOUR_APP_KEY' \
-H 'x-rownd-app-secret: YOUR_APP_SECRET' \
-H 'x-rownd-filename: logo.png' \
-H 'Content-Type: image/png' \
--data-binary '@/path/to/your/logo.png'

# Upload dark mode logo
curl -X PUT '{app-id}/oidc_clients/{client-id}/logo/dark' \
-H 'x-rownd-app-key: YOUR_APP_KEY' \
-H 'x-rownd-app-secret: YOUR_APP_SECRET' \
-H 'x-rownd-filename: logo-dark.svg' \
-H 'Content-Type: image/svg+xml' \
--data-binary '@/path/to/your/logo-dark.svg'

Ensure your logo files meet the following requirements:

  • File format: PNG or SVG only
  • Recommended dimensions: At least 512x512 pixels for optimal display
  • File size: Keep files under 5MB for best performance

Advanced configuration

Custom interaction endpoint

By default, OpenID authentication flows direct users to a Rownd-hosted URL for sign-in. However, if you have Rownd integrated into your website or application, you can provide a custom interaction endpoint for a more streamlined experience.

When configured, users will be directed to your site/app instead of the default Rownd URL. This provides several benefits:

  • Maintains your branded experience
  • Leverages existing user sessions
  • Reduces authentication steps when users are already logged in
  • Provides a more seamless OIDC consent flow

Add the interaction_endpoint to your OIDC client configuration under the config object:

  "name": "Example OIDC Provider",
  "description": "Example OIDC Provider",
  "config": {
    "allowed_origins": [
    "redirect_uris": [
    "post_logout_uris": [
    "interaction_endpoint": "",
    "logo_uri": "",
    "logo_dark_mode_uri": ""

The interaction endpoint must be a page where the Rownd JavaScript snippet is properly installed and configured (a single-page app like React will also work). This ensures the authentication flow can properly handle the OpenID consent process.

User flow example
  1. User initiates OIDC sign-in from a third-party application
  2. Instead of going to, they are redirected to your custom endpoint (e.g.,
  3. If the user is already signed in on your site:
    • They only need to approve the OIDC consent
    • No additional authentication is required
  4. If the user is not signed in:
    • They’ll see your normal Rownd authentication flow
    • After signing in, they’ll be prompted for OIDC consent
  5. After consent, they are redirected back to the original application

This approach can significantly reduce friction in the authentication process, especially for users who frequently interact with your platform.